
Marilyn Thomas

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan with Glenn Howard

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan with Bobby Michnowicz

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn and Stan

Marilyn with Dirt Dog at Ventura

Marilyn at the Wagsdash

Marilyn hawking quilt tickets

Marilyn working the Wagsdash booth

Marilyn with an auction item in her hand

Marilyn with Auction sign and Mrs Wags at the Wagsdash

Marilyn with 50/50 sign. There was a time when we could do it

Marilyn still hawking

Marilyn looking peaceful

Marilyn and Mrs Wags

Marilyn with Pat Bogan

When Stan Cook passed away, Marilyn went away as we haven't seen her since before the turn of the century. We miss her. She really worked hard for the Wags stuff.

this page Updated 7/17/17
