
Julie Shiosaki

Julie with Halie

Julie with Terri Bliss

Julie and Wags

Julie at the races

Julie at Wagsland

Julie and Fran

Julie and Mike Clark

Julie and Wags

Julie with Terri Bliss and Wags

Julie and Fran

Julie at a Wagsdash

Julie with Mike Clark

Julie with Lois Ward and Wags

Julie with 18th annual Wagsdash winner Austin Mero

JUlie with Laurie Sertich at Perris

Julie with a Mickey and Minnie cake topper

Julie with Wags

Julie and Danny Sheridan

Julie the Birdlady

Julie with Karie Kruseman and Alex Gregoreas

Julie and Wags

Julie and Shelley Ostling

Julie and Shelley

Julie brought cookies to Santa Maria

Julie with Greg Staab

Halie found a playmate

You tell me?

Julie and Carol Wolfe

Julie's got necklaces, watch out it's part time!

Julie catching a ride with Wags

Julie and Sheley

Julie with Karen, a onetime Wagsdash Trophy Queen

Julie with Terri Bliss and Wags

The little devils of Wagsdash days

Julie wandering around

Julie and Shelley

Julie and Wags

Julie and Fran with a cake

Halie wanting some cake

The dynamic "duo"

Julie and fran with a cake

Julie with My dogs Dusty and Dubya at Tulare

Julie, Terri and Bobby Cody

Julie and Fran with My 60th B Day cake

Julie has been a good friend of the Wagsdash for years as she started the cookie sale and Sexy driver fundraisers as well as made racing Collages for the auction. She had great ideas and worked hard for us. She is also a good friend, but moving to North Carolina doesn't allow much visiting anymore. She works for USAc and has the best interest of the CRA boys at the races.

Created on 05/31/17
