
Biker Bruce Ficsher

Biker Bruce with Rickie Gaunt and Wags after Rickie got the 2012 Wagtimes/Lafond Hard charger award of $1000 and a handle of Crown Royal

Biker Bruce with Lee Vodden, Don Read, and Ron Chaffin

Biker Bruce and brother Chris, may he rest in peace

Biker Bruce with crew that won the Wagsdash tire challenge. Brother Chris, Michael Smith, Jim Wolfe and? shared the fun

Biker Bruce at the Chili Bowl

Biker Bruce and tire man Jim Wolfe with the Fischer # 29 car driven by Steve Ostling at that time

The Biker Bruce logo on the hood of Brody Roa's car shows he's still involved in racing as part of the Roa team. The logo looks familiar to a famous motorcycle company bike, the kind he rides.

Biker Bruce with Paul Dean

Here is said bike he rides

Not sure what he's doing

Biker Bruce with Steve lafond

Biker Bruce walking the Perris midway

Biker Bruce with Rickie Gaunt and Wags

Biker Bruce at work?

Biker Bruce with randy Pankratz

Biker Bruce with Ellen Ellis

Biker Bruce with Jimmy Oskie and John redican

Updated 7/1/17
