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September 7, 2011
By Ken Wagner
It was ten days on my whirlwind tour of exciting racing and visiting with friends on a 2000 mile saga of fun and delight for me. Taking in only 3 races out of a possible 6 that were offered, I think I did good to hit some excellent non wing races and see old friends before racing home for a planned in house visit with another good friend on his way thru Las Vegas.
My pics for Calistoga click here. and for Chico Click here to view. For Korie Lafond's work Click here to view. For Steve Lafond's work Click here to view. Doug Allens work is here as usual click here to view.
Saturday started out with marvelous weather and a perfectly prepared very long ½ mile racetrack. Damion Gardner set fast time at 20.011 as he made the long tow from Indiana for this 2 day weekend in his Pace sponsored and now green car. Robert Ballou, Mike Spencer and Greg Bragg won the 3 heats with young 17 year old Ryan Bernal winning the semi with a 410 in his car for the first time. Only 25 cars made it out to the beautiful scenic and historic Calistoga track,
The feature was a hard fought 30 lap battle as Danny Sheridan took the lead and powered away from Robert Ballou driving a Josh Ford car. “Showtime” looked like he had one if something didn’t happen as he passed the 15 lap lead total, but a lap car got in the mix and Ballou made fast work around the leader. Ballou was fast but Danny appeared faster as the race wound down. Behind them Matt Mitchell cruised into third ahead of point leader Mike Spencer and gave chase. Danny tried his fast moves down the back stretch each lap, but couldn’t maneuver around the leader in the tough corners. It ended with the crowd enjoying the 30 lap non-stop race. Great effort by all!
Saturday the track was not quite as heavy, yet Robert Ballou didn’t care. Damion Gardner got fast time again with 20.551, yet his night ended early with a crash in the main. With only 25 cars showing up this weekend, and with only 8 towing north, there were 3 heats each night and Rip Williams raced only the first night. He pulled his motor to put in son Cody’s car and was done the last two races. Nic Faas, Austin Williams and Matt Mitchell won the heats with no Semi.
The first try to start the main event was aborted when Danny Sheridan couldn’t pick up the throttle on the green and caused havoc as he finally pulled in with a suspected faulty Magneto ending his quest for a win here. Robert Ballou took the lead right away on the next green and set off to double or more his weekend pay. He looked gold for 23 laps, but then on a restart, he had a tire going down. He was shown the work area for 2 laps, then came in and they considered his time up, and restarted without him. (hear crowd booing here) Mike Spencer inherited the lead and wasn’t challenged the rest of the way as he won his 6th race of the year ahead of the “Mattster” Matt Mitchell. Young Ryan Bernal was impressive again with a 4th place finish. Considering the low car count, it was a great weekend with some super racing, especially Saturday night. The only downside was a slide job that irritated a driver resulting in some wasted emotion marring the evening. Like the good ole days, sometimes there were fights, but it still seems useless. I might note all the wine and beer tasting was part of the ambiance, but remember the racers can’t really take part, so that is a shame. Maybe they could get an energy drink tasting going, or ice cream milk shakes to check out?
Chico was way different with its high banked turns on a short quarter mile track. With 49 cars, yes Lance counted them, and only 6 CRA regulars in house, it was going to be fun. Qualifying took a strange twist when the power went off in the fairgrounds after two cars timed in. It looked like a pill draw for positions until Steve Ostling produced two stop watches and Jac Haudenschild hit the quick one at 13.60. It had been a while since he ran with us, but he was definitely fast in a Silva owned car.
Wow, we had a “C”, we had a “C”. I want to make it clear there were plenty of cars! Someone named Billy Wallace claimed the 8 lap run of 14 cars who missed the 32 club that made the heats. Three others moved on to the back of the heats that were won by Jac Haudenschild, Mike Spencer, Kyle Larson and Richard Brace Jr. Cody Meyers won the Semi as all six of the CRA runners made the main.
It was a racy night as Shane Golobic took the lead right off the bat from the front row and looked strong maintaining it. Then Geoff Ensign looked to all the world like a rocket blasting into the lead for 4 laps until he got off the track and ended up 13th. Ensign took the lead back until Kyle Hirst powered by him for an 8 lap lead tenure and until Kaptain Kyle Larson assumed his lofty position in the lead. This young man has done an astonishing march thru our racing this summer as he won the Belleville Nationals, a big USAC pavement midget race in Indy, The Oscaloosa big bucks non wing event in Iowa, tonight’s CRA main and on Saturday he beat the Outlaws here at Chico. I know I have missed some big wins, but has there ever been a lofty list of domination like this in our world?? I think not! Kyle didn’t waver as he ran away from the pesky cars chasing him and beat it to the 30 lap win with Haudeschild and Mitchell on the podium with him.
Speaking of Mitchell, Matt wasn’t credited with leading a lap, but regardless he led restarts several times after storming into the lead, yes he was the first car in line as they raced, only to lose that lead on a restart. This was a result of having trouble with a left rear tire that sent him back 6 spots on that restart. Even with that, he came back forward with the tire totally flat. On the next to last red flag stop, they aired it up and he was a strong third pressing Haudenschild when the last red flag stop ended the race at 28 laps. He was lucky in that respect, but why wasn’t he credited with a leading lap?
It was great racing for the medium sized crowd and I hope they remembered the multiple lead changes and passing we experienced because for those who stayed around, both WOO shows had one leader in start to finish races. I hope we can do it again next year, but that is a long way off. If they do schedule this Calistoga/Chico plan again, how about a couple of more races thrown in to make a speed week of sorts. The teams who can tow will stay longer and it will be more doable for them. I really enjoyed it, and so did a few others.
It all started on a Thursday when I drove from my house in lost wages to Button Willow, CA to meet part of the Danny Sheridan crew, now in a different rig, for dinner at a local barbeque place that featured some brisket and delicious peach cobbler of sorts. Following the rig in Mrs Wags car was planned to help the crew get from the track to their motel in Santa Rosa thru the winding 20 mile trip from the Calistoga racetrack. It was a little lonely without my bride, but she had pressing things to do at home and didn’t get to make the trip.
Before the weekend could start, Randy, Paul and I had to park the rig on Friday at the fairgrounds and then fight the still horrible traffic that we just came thru, back down the way we came to the Oakland airport to pick up Julie and her dad Gary. From there we went across the Bay Bridge to the Fisherman’s wharf and then wandered, ate at Alioto’s, bought sourdough bread at the famous bread factory and chocolate at the Ghirardelli chocolate place, then headed to our nightly sleeping places. What a nice tour in a city that is so scenic it takes your breath away.
Saturday and Sunday was racing with the nights spent at Don “The” Barber’s house and me picking up the gang to go to the races each day. After Sunday night, and a small gathering in the Sheridan camping area, I bid them adieu and left the Barber’s place Monday morning to drive down across the Golden Gate Bridge and head to Steve and Kim Lafond’s abode. They and their two doggie’s welcomed me and I started the picture reviewing of what I had taken over the last two days. We did dinner at an Italian restaurant and hit the sack.
Tuesday was my day with Trophy Dave at his Trophy City Shop. But first I had to go get my phone fixed. It seems I inadvertently knocked it into my dog’s watering bowl a few days before. I dried it off, but now couldn’t be heard on the other end 60% of the time. I heard them but they didn’t hear me! Anyway, the thing being out of warranty didn’t stop the Apple store helper from replacing the thing. Now I have to redo everything I added, but the phone numbers are still in there! So when I arrived at the shop, we spent the day talking racing in between his business callers and headed to his home after he closed the shop and we went to his home.. We also planned the WAG$CA$H trophy for November 12th at Hanford.
His wife Muriel and her sister Marilyn and her friend Richard met us there as we visited again. Off to dinner at a Mexican restaurant that I can’t tell you the name of (I’d have to kill you, it is so long) where Muriel ordered me a special beer that bubbled like a fountain was in it? Good and tasty, but they only will serve 3 to a customer on a given night and only if you order food! The name starts with a T and is a town in Mexico where the owner is from and not far from the Trophy City Shop.
We had more visiting and telling stuff before it was time to go to sleep. Back to the Lafond’s I went as I had stuff to do. Wednesday began and I had to get the car washed, some drinks iced down and other stuff one does on the road. I went and had lunch with Trophy Dave and promised to be at the Trophy Cup this year. Now I had to do something I had wanted to do for a long time. Steve Lafond is a drummer in the band Ded Ringer and has been for years. I was going to be allowed entrance to their band practice!
Palo Alto was the location and I headed up there with my GPS bitch, she can be at times, and arrived during one of their breaks. The practice in the converted noise padded garage of band member Julio. It’s dark inside with the walls padded and all the gizmo’s needed to support the guitar’s, keyboard and the drums! I had missed the first half, but got to hear plenty of their own written music. They only thing they played that they didn’t write was Pretty Woman, and they did that for me so I would recognize something! Anyway it was very enjoyable for this unmusical character and I had a ball listening from so close. Good stuff and now I know how Steve looks when he plays, wild and energetic!!! They have many CD albums and would be a good present if you talked to Steve.
We had to hurry off to some place called Garret Station (?) for dinner with Pat and Leeann Normoyle plus Kim for dinner. I got the old fashioned burger with pastrami as we had a quiet evening visiting again and it ended too soon. The Lafond’s were in bed when I arrived later as I couldn’t tear myself away from the good company as fast.
Thursday’s target was Chico and I let the bitch lead me there by noon, After checking into the hotel, I relaxed a bit and worked on photo’s. Off to the track I went, without my cell phone and not trying to use the bitchy GPS, so I got lost. I finally found the fairgrounds and worked my way around back to the pit entrance. I asked for pit directions from the worker bee’s four separate times. after they told me I couldn’t take my car into the pits, each time I said I will walk in! I signed in and Sammy Barr went off to get my Mule because it was a long walk for these old legs. Now I had wheels and I enjoyed driving around to check on the cars arriving. I didn’t expect 49 cars, and thought a lot of those trailers were probably outlaw cars early for the rest of the Friday Saturday shows. Well, knock me over with a feather, 49 cars in the house. I was giddy with excitement; it was going to be a great reunion with Chico for me!
Somewhere along the way, I picked up a rider as Mike Truex jumped in and professed he’d love to use the mule on the infield again this week after last race at Calistoga worked well for his camera duties. We continued around the pit area greeting and visiting with many until it was time for the infield run. It took some doing to get the mule over the top of the banking and down across the beautifully wet track. We got position and let the games begin. The power outage only kept the cars off the track for a while after it got dark and the lights slowly came on, with the exception of several banks that never lit. I t was fun down there and the track so short I missed little action with very little turning around as they wound around the tiny track having fun on the clay oval.
It was different on this track watching from the infield, a lot like when I took pics at the Chili Bowl infield this year. When the race ended, I parked right by the front stretch fence and visited with many that came in after the driver interviews. Joy Paulson was surprised to see me and gave me a big hug. She isn’t coming to Canyon or the Ovals, because her retirement money doesn’t allow for long trips. This short one was from Woodland, just down the road. Her son Gary was racing one of the Finkenbinder cars this night and missed the main. After a short time in the pits, I soon headed off to my hotel. I picked up some IN-N-Out burger stuff and ate and went to sleep about 1:30 AM.
I was up at 6 am to post the results that were not ready the night before, and then on the road again with my bitch telling the way. If I had looked at the map, I might have shaved off 45 minutes because of alternate routes not by the lake traffic. From Grass Valley thru Lake Tahoe, it was beautiful and slow, slow, slow at times, but I made it to the Venard home by noon.
Under separate photo location will be some pics of Buster, Linda and Grandma Rosie’s lovely home on 2 acres with a big race shop in the back. click here to view. This house has a two car garage, but the shop was something I had been anxious to see after they moved up there over 5 years ago. Buster has two race ready sprinters, one with a mopar and the other a Shaver/Ellis model that was fast. They now get out to go to cars shows, but no racing up in Gardnerville, NV for the non-wing 410’s. Darleen Dils showed up to visit and we five went off to Red’s for dinner. This place is kind of a Knotts Berry Farm like place with all kinds of old things on the floor, the walls and hung in the rafters. Good food and company, but lasted too short. Darleen went home to await my arrival while I spent more time at the Venards than I expected. I was ready to go when I noticed a flat tire on Mrs Wags car, so Buster got to work. He found what appeared to be an exacto knife blade in the tire and he pulled it out and plugged the hole. I had all four replaced when I got home. After more goodbye’s, it was off to the Dil’s.
Darleen and Stubby were waiting for me when I showed up a little late. Stubby had spent his morning having Kemo therapy for his throat cancer, so even though he looked and sounded fine, I am sure he was worn out. We had a good visit, but I had a friend from Cal arriving at my house by noon the next day, so at 10 PM I took off for home. The noisy tire really bothered me as I began the trip, but I just turned the radio up louder and made my place about 5:30 AM ready for some rest before the oncoming visit.
It was a great and fun trip less my wife. It would have made it even better with her there because when I go off to have fun without her, I always feel something important is missing! She missed a good one this time, but she has a full time job and spent 10 of her vacation days in Texas with her son and his 4 girls this summer, so not much is left for traveling to races this time.
Thanks to all who hosted me, fed me, entertained me and just plain hung out with me, you all were wonderful and let’s do it again next year.
Don’t forget the Wagtimes On-line Auction!!!! Go to http://wagtimes.com/wagsauction2011.html to bid. I now have over $2000 for WAG$CA$H 2001, so will continue to go for more. Mrs Wags is working on the calendar and it should be ready before Phoenix. I will add a few items to the auction when I get caught up. Steve Lafond handed me a check for $500 and challenged all the Wagtimer’s and other past Wagsdash sponsors to do the same. Pat and LeeAnn already took the challenge as did Don Flanders who doubled it!!! Please get involved!!!! The Lafond Jar of Change Hard Charger award has about $300 plus in it and you too can add to it! Bring your change, you can’t use it anyway!
I will be in Ventura for the Annual Help Save Ventura Raceway Golf Tournament this Friday, September 16, to raise a little more money for my year ending event. A regular big club tourney and a miniature golf event are both on tap, and you still have time to join us. Call Tom Touts at 805-389-0260 to join the fun and attend the banquet that night.
09/03/11 FEATURE: (30 laps) 1. Robert Ballou, 2. Danny Sheridan, 3. Matt Mitchell, 4. Mike Spencer, 5. Damion Gardner, 6. Nic Faas, 7. Geoff Ensign, 8. Ryan Bernal, 9. Colby Copeland, 10. Greg Bragg, 11. Scott Pierovich, 12. Jason York, 13. Tim Barber, 14. Austin Williams, 15. Scott Hall, 16. Tony Hunt, 17. Tim Sherman, 18. Shauna Hogg, 19. Jerry Cisco, 20. Cody Williams (#3), 21. Todd Miller Jr., 22. Jim Richardson, 23. Rip Williams (#44). NT
09/04/11 FEATURE: (30 laps) 1. Mike Spencer, 2. Matt Mitchell, 3. Nic Faas, 4. Ryan Bernal, 5. Geoff Ensign, 6. Jason York, 7. Colby Copeland, 8. Greg Bragg, 9. Scott Pierovich, 10. Marty Hawkins, 11. Tim Barber, 12. Shauna Hogg, 13. Cody Williams, 14. Tim Sherman, 15. Jerry Cisco, 16. Andy Forsberg, 17. Robert Ballou, 18. Todd Miller Jr., 19. Austin Williams, 20. Damion Gardner, 21. Danny Sheridan, 22. Tony Hunt. NT
09/08/11 FEATURE: (28 laps) 1. Kyle Larson, 2. Jac Haudenschild, 3. Matt Mitchell, 4. Kyle Hirst, 5. Mike Spencer, 6. Shane Golobic, 7. Nic Faas, 8. Jason York, 9. Jimmy Trulli, 10. Taylor Simas, 11. Richard Brace Jr., 12. Steven Tiner, 13. Geoff Ensign, 14. Tony Hunt, 15. Cody Myers, 16. Cody Williams, 17. Marty Hawkins, 18. Scott Pierovich, 19. Shawn Wright, 20. Austin Williams, 21. Greg Bragg, 22. Kody Smith, 23. Tom Baker, 24. Todd Miller Jr. NT.
NEW AMSOIL USAC/CRA SPRINT CAR POINTS: 1-Spencer-810; 2-Mitchell-773; 3-Faas-754; 4-A.Williams-570; 5-Bragg-508; 6-C.Williams-463; 7-Danny Sheridan-412; 8-Rip Williams-387; 9-David Cardey-380; 10-Ronnie Gardner-370.
NEXT USAC AMSOIL USAC/CRA SPRINT CAR RACE: September 24 – Perris (CA) Auto Speedway. It isThe Glenn Howard Memorial.
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