
Bubby "Ol' Bub" Jones

Here's Bubby latest pics I have gathered


Bubby with son Davey

Bubby with Chuck Amati

Bubby getting attacked by his wife Ptty

Bubby with Jay Drake and Levi Jones

Bubby with Davey and a nice photographer

Bubby with the Gas Chem crew

Bubby on September 17, 1978

Bubby wins in the Gas Chem car

Bubby with the Gas Chem crew

Bubby with thee trophy girl at Terre Haute

Bubby holding the Terre Haute trophy after winning

Bubby with # 51

Bubby in the Gas Chem car

# 1

# 44 the Bruce Cogle Ford Bubby drove in California

# 49

# 76 the Siebert Olds Team car

# 76 winning at Terre Haute June 3, 1979 Checkered

And now back to the existing pics




Bubby having a drink

Bubby with another libation

'Ol Bub


Bubby was the 2000 Wagsdash Grand Marshal

Bubby autographing an auction helmet

Bubby working hard

Bubby at Perris



Bubby caught having a bite

Bubby in "the hat" he was famous for

Bubby suiting up


Bubby relaxing


Bubby with sage words

Bubby relaxing


Bubby at Indy



Bubby at Pocono in 1978



Bubby in "that" hat

Bubby signing a wing? He ran one occasionally PLUS 1

Bubby in Manzy pits

Bubby and his 1st daughter Jina

Bubby and Rick Ferkel

Bubby with brotherin-law Ripper

Bubby and Sammy Swindell

Bubby with Jan Opperman

Bubby and jan

Bubby with Jan in the pits

Bubby getting hugged by Jan

Bubby with another driver who I am told is Dean Shirley

Bubby, right, with another driver

Bubby with brother in law Rip Williams

Bubby and Wags

Bubby with Rickie Gaunt

Bubby with Wags at Knoxville Nationals

Bubby with Ripper


Bubby and Lealand McSpadden

Bubby with Mrs Wags

Bubby with Mrs Wags

Bubby and Wags

Bubby with Jimmy Oskie

Bubby with the Modern Day Cowboy

Bubby with Bruce Bromme Jr

Bubby with ????

Bubby With Wags

Bubby's hanging with Duke Cook at the Chili Bowl

Bubby with Rich Chesavage

Bubby with Biggie Steve Watt

Bubby and Jan Opperman

Bubby with his son Davey when he first drove a sprint car

Bubby with Mrs Wags

Bubby and Stan Atherton

Bubby with Stan Atherton and signing a helmet

Bubby with Keith Kunz

Bubby with Bruce Bromme Jr

Bubby and Bruce

Bubby driving the Bromme car

Bubby and Larry Henry in the early days

Bubby with Ripper

Bubby shaking hands

Bubby with brother in law Rip Williams

Bubby and Ray Sheetz

Bubby and Jac Haudenschild

Bubby hangin' in the pits PLUS 2

Bubby with Tony and Ripper

Bubby with Deano and Wags

Bubby with Dean Thompson and Wags

Bubby with Gale Forester

Bubby with Ray Sheet

Bubby with Bruce Bromme Sr

Bubbby with Davey and Steve Lafond

Bubby with Darleen Dils and Mrs Wags



Bubby with Tom Downing and Mike English

Bubby with Ripper and Jack Jory

Bubby with Gary Howard and Eddie Wirth

Bubby with Dean Thompson

Bubby with fans

Bubby with Dave Argabright and Bill Hill

Bubby Jones in the pits at Ascot

Bubby with Jan Opperman and Roger Rager

Bubby a long time ago

Bubby with son Davey and Paul Newman BUBBY FAMILY

Bubby and Son Davey working on Tony Stewart team car

Bubby with son Tony

Bubby and Tony

Bubby with sons Tony and Davey

Bubby with son Tony

Bubby and his family

Bubby with more family including Tony's son Kyle

Bubby and Davey

Bubby and Tony

Bubby and Tony

Davey's wife Michelle and son

Bubby with his son Tony

Bubby and his wife Patty at Knoxville Nationals walking behind the grandstands

Tony and Bubby

Tony and Bubby

Tony and Bubby

Tony and Bubby

Tony and Bubby checking it out at the Wagsdash

Tony and Bubby

Tony and Bubby

Tony with Bubby and Davey

Bubby's daughter Emmy

Emmy with Blake Miller

Emmy with my Dog Dubya

Emmy with Mallory Gardner and my dogs Dubya and Dusty. Dusty was probably 6 weeks old

Emmy at Santa Maria. I think that is Nick Argo with the hat on GROUPS

Bubby in the pits

Bubby with the Kazarians and Wags

Bubby with Billy Wilkerson, Parnelli Jones and Don Kazarian

Bubby with The Wags

Bubby getting chili from Kim Lafond

Bubby with Ray Sheetz and Ripper at Ascot

Bubby autographing for the fans

Bubby with levi Jones and son Davey

Bubby with Gary Patterson and Jan Opperman

Bubby with Tony Jones and Larry Henry

Bubby with Steve Chassey, Pauncho Carter, Lee Kunzman ad Bill Vukovich

Bubby and Larry Henry with some other old timers

Bubby with Janet and Lealand McSpadden

Bubby with son Tony and a big crowd PODIUMS


Bubby with Davey and Tony and car owner Gene

Bubby with Sokola

Bubby getting some love

Bubby with Dean Thompson and Jeff Haywood

Bubby with famous Ascot trophy girl Lesley Bremer

Bubby with the Gas Chem crew

Bubby interviewed at Ascot

Bubby with Deano

Bubby getting a platter

Bubby getting his championship trophy

Bubby with son Tony and car owner Gene Cowherd

Bubby gets a trophy from June Cochran Playboy model in 1979

Bubby on the podium with Deano

Bubby celebrating with the crowd after a win

Bubby interviewed

Bubby Getting another trophy after a big win

Bubby at a banquet with a big trophy on his table

Bubby and Opperman on the podium

Bubby and another trophy

Bubby getting another trophy

Bubby with a trophy girl

Bubby in victory circle

Bubby driving this blue car

Bubby at Ascot

Bubby on the podium with Steve Kinser

Bubby wins at Ascot

Bubby wins in a Bromme car

Bubby crew chiefed this car

Bubby with the crew and a plaque WITH CARS

Larry and 'Ol Bub in the beginning

Bubby and Ray Sheetz

Gas Chem

Gas Chem

Bubby in pits

Bubby with the # 24

Bubby working on the Modern Cowboy's car

Bubby and Patty when he worked on John Scott's car

Bubby and the Gas Chem car

Bubby visiting at Ascot

Nice helmet, wish I had that one!

Bubby by # 44

Bubby at Ascot 1988

Bubby with the famous Gas Chem car

Bubby in the Alex Morales car

Bubby still racing

with # 55 and crew

Bubby and Larry Henry with "their" car

Bubby the winner, sayith Jan Opperman

Bubby with his car

Bubby with # B 4

Bubby and Davey in the pits

Bubby in the pits

Bubby with # 5 Tamalie Wagon at Ascot

Bubby with the crew of # 66

Bubby with the Gas Chem in the Ascot pits

Bubby with the Bromme # 2

Bubby with car owner Larry Henry

Bubby helping Darren Clayton

Bubby with # 49

Bubby with his ride

Bubby and # B 4 INCARS

Bubby in the car

Bubby about to race in this bomber

Bubby in the Gas Chem car

Bubby at Ascot

Bubby in # 76

Bubby in # 49

Ol' Bub

Bubby in # B 4

Bubby in the car

Bubby with # 72 Indy car

Bubby in # 1 with Oskie walking by

Bubby in the Gas Chem car

Bubby and the Gas Chem

Another Bubby photocard

Bubby in a car ART

Bubby's old t-shirt. Somewhere in my stash I have one

Bubby's Wagsdash photocard from his being the 2000 Grand Marshal

Dale Frye's work

Open Wheel

Ol' Bub graphic

Circle track

Ascot program

Ascot program

Ascot program

Ascot Program

Bubby's autograph

Ascot program

and now Bubby driven cars

Bubby's # 24 sitting next to Rickie Gaunt's # 68

Looking into the Gas Chem car

# 1 Gas Chem

# 1 The car on display a few years ago at Perris

Bubby's #2

# 1

# 1

# 1 wheel packing at Santa Maria

# 1 Bubby in Gas Chem car

# 1 Bubby always looked good in this pretty yellow car

# 1 Bubby in 1995

# 1 Bubby on the gas! Those were the days!

# 1

# 1

# 2

# 2

# 2 Bubby in the gas Chem car

# 2 Bubby on the low groove

# 2 Gilbert car

# 2 Gilbert

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2 Gas chem

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2

# 2 Bromme/Nance car

# 4x

# B 4 Bubby in 1969

# B 4

# B 4

# 4X

# 5 Tamalie Wagon. Bubby won about 6 races in this car

# 6

# 24 Bubby in the last car he drove

# 24

# 24 Bubby at Eldora

# 24

# 24. Bubby led the CRA race at Eldora when he "fell out of the seat". He looked strong until he couldn't finish

# 24 Larry Henry owned the first car and this the last car

# 24

# 24

# 40

# 40

# 40

# 40

# 40

# 41

# 41

# 41

# 41

# 41

# 44

# 44

# 44

# 44

# 49

# 49

# 49 at Reading fairgrounds 1978

# 49

# 51

# 51

# 51

# 51

# 66

# 66

# 66

# 66

# 72

# 76

# 85

# 85

Bubby leading Deano at Santa Maria in 1982

Bubby Jones leading Eddie Wirth

Bubby with followed by Brad and Todd Noffsinger Gary Howard

Bubby leading his heat

Bubby leading a fair race

Bubby and Richard Pratt # 91 on the front row at Dayton

Bubby with Deano,and Eddie Wirth in a trophy Dash at El Centro

Bubby and Ripper

Bubby with Ripper and John Redican

Bubby outside Jim Laurie with Eddie Wirth coming

Bubby in # 49 Bubby in # 51

Bubby # 49 against Ron $human

Bubby in # B 4

Bubby leading outside Brad Noffsinger and Steve Kinser at Eldora in 1990. Kinser won with Bubby 2nd when he fell out of the seat

# 2 against lealand McSpadden

# B 4 on the inside

# 44 leading Tommy Lee Noblin # 55 in 1974

# 66 with Duane Feduska

# 49 leading # 29

# 24 against Steve Kinser

The Dean and Bubby Show

Bubby against his brother in law the Ripper

Bubby with Buster Venard to his right

# 2 outside John Redican

# 2 outside Jim McCaskill

# 2 leadin # 21

# 2 inside Billy Allen

# 2 Bubby Jones ahead of Midwest invaders Mike Brooks and Danny Smith at the 1981 Pacific Coast Open

Bubby in # 51

# 72 Bubby at Indy

# 72 Indy car

# 78 Indy car

Here is the way the hot dogs traveled across the country in the barnstorming days

Another example of "haulers of the day" back in those days

A 1970 trailer

Norman "Bubby" Jones is without a doubt a hall of famer at the top of the list and in my top 2 best drivers of all time, Lealand McSpadden being the other. Bubby won 2 CRA championships with 81 CRA victories and an unknown total of wins back East before he came to California. I tried to research his wins years ago talking with family and Larry Henry, but no one kept a list as he was barnstorming the country for years. He was a very patient driver, to a point, as he moved to the front and occasionally a little tap let them know he wanted by. Watching the Dean and Bubby show was amazing, but his Ascot years were much of the same. Unlike today with fewer heros, in his racing years there were a lot of heavy hitters racing against him, and he prevailed a lot! I only wish I could have seen him at Eldora as a young man and he said it was his favorite track for many years. Bubby's warmth gave me a great feeling as I knew I was talking with a giant in our racing, yet he gave me a lot of his time and I still revel in those times with him.

Not being much of a collector of racing things because everything I collected went to make money for the low buck teams, so the time passed me by and I had very few things on my bucket list for me personally. Yet the three most desired items were always helmets from Bubby, his son Tony and Lealand. Tony made that happen for me last year thankfully, but I never even asked my two heroes, it wasn't the right time and now time has passed. But the memories I have of Bubby on the track are pretty well still planted in my memory, so I only need to sit back and roll the saved scenes thru my mind, and I'm happy with that.

These last two paragraphs from wikipedia

Norman "Bubby" Jones (born June 4, 1941, Danville, Illinois), is a former driver in the USAC Sprint Car series, with 22 victories, and a member of the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame, inducted in 1998. He also raced in the USAC Championship Car series, in the 1977-1978 seasons, with 2 career starts, including the 1977 Indianapolis 500. He failed in qualifying attempts at Indy in 1978 and 1981.

In 1980 "Ol' Bub" headed west to run in the prestigious California Racing Association (C.R.A.) Sprint Car Series as a regular, driving the Gas Chem Products Entry. After finishing 2nd in the C.R.A. Point Standings three years in a row (1980–82) behind Dean Thompson, Jones persuaded car owner Dan Kazarian to change from the Stanton Chassis they had been running, and to let Jones build them a new car himself. The result...Jones won two consecutive C.R.A. Point Series Championships (1983–84). In 1984, Jones won the coveted Pacific Coast National Open at Ascot, holding off a fast closing Steve Kinser despite blistering the right rear tire with 10 laps to go. Jones became one of the most well liked and highly respected drivers in the C.R.A. Series because of his straight, smooth and clean driving style.


Updated 10/5/18
