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By Ken Wagner
December 17, 2006
Wagsland in Vegas is now home and another year pouring out and gone. It has been a challenge for me and my brood these past few months, but here I am ready to go to the Chili Bowl. Racing ended in November on a good note for some, not so good for other’s, and my personal world turned upside down for a while. It has been a while since I spewed Wags stuff of any kind, so now that I have all four wheels on the ground again, lets talk about some highs and lows in 2006, as I try to forget Manzy's dry slick track.
It was a pretty good year for the CRA bunch, but nothing new on the expected increase in purses as everyone says there isn’t anymore money for the racers. It’s always about money and my personal challenge for the last 18 years to help the little guy is but a drop in the bucket needed and from the wrong source, the fans. They are already paying big for admissions and t-shirts and stuff, they don’t have any more to give, even though some faithfully do! All the new money in the USAC world goes to the big ticket NASCAR/SC experiment and the National sprints, while the CRA still isn’t up to snuff in prize money like expected when the satellite group was started three years ago. In fact a rumored “entry fee” out west could be a bone of contention this season, if it happens. We can look back three years and see no progress for the CRA from Indiana, but what did we really expect. If they don’t idea it, it doesn’t happen. And, why don’t they bring only people that work, instead of play, when they come west?
The battle for the USAC/CRA championship was heating up well in October when they CRA hit the Wagsdash weekend at the raciest little track by the sea. Only two points separated defending champion Damion Gardner and his closest challenger Cory Kruseman when the night started, but after a bad official’s decision (remember, no replays in sprint car racing) Damion was left stewing in the push off area, losing valuable points, and he didn’t know it then, but he would never recover. His temper management can probably point right at why Cory went on to take his second California title, and it wasn’t even close at the end. While Cory clinched the title in Phoenix, nobody but us chickens were in on the “secret”. They chose to ignore and let it play out when they went home? What a farce, two years in a row, see what I mean about second class citizens, no respect. It was over, why not let the fans in on it at the moment, so the champagne could flow in two pits!
Cory, and car owner Glenn Crossno, kept chasing and scoring all season until Glenn received his first ever car owner championship, one that he earned. Cory is the cool veteran, driver, school teacher, husband, father and more, juggling a very busy schedule to make this championship possible, and still run back East often. Glenn, the tireless worker/owner, provided the team excellent shop facilities, plus the latest equipment and bells and whistles, and it all came through for the team. He probably put in as many hours on the equipment as any team member he had. Mike Nigh has been with Cory from his rookie year and deserves recognition for his efforts, always there and concentrating on the podium dance that he has been a part of every time. Congratulations to all, but let’s turn the page.
Cory announced the last race of the season he was leaving the red # 38 Crossno championship team to do his own thing next season. He will probably run his new team similar to the way his Sprint Car School has been done, getting sponsorship for most everything he needs, and will be tough again next year. His supporters will continue to follow and his leadership will be evident throughout the year, look for it.
Glenn Crossno, on the other hand, didn’t wait too long in announcing who his new driver was, one young Scotty Weir from Indiana. Glenn says he is young and hard working and can drive, so he hopes to bring him along to another championship in 2007.
Now we move over to the little red sucker and their plans for 2007. Damion Gardner will no longer drive for the Ron Chaffin owned, Bruce Bromme Jr crewed speedster, and that’s not surprising to me. Together they won a championship in 2005, but it didn’t come without a lot of change for the team that had already banked many titles with Lealand McSpadden and Richard Griffin in the seat. For Bruce Bromme Jr he had to deal with a young, highly motivated and tunnel visioned driver getting better and better, plus jump into the latest Shock technology that was driving everyone crazy. It wasn’t the only thing driving them crazy as the Demon seemed to emerge evil in the cockpit too often when things didn’t go his way. The helmet throwing incident at Ventura was regrettable, but I think it sealed the deal for 2007. Bruce is one of the best there is and he doesn’t want to deal with all the BS, he just wants to get his car ready for his driver and go out and win, nothing else is good enough.
Damion has extraordinary skills for someone with only a few years in a sprint car. When he is making a move, his instincts are amazing, sometimes too quick for even himself. His slowing down the urge to “plunder” the last two years made him faster in the end. He wasn’t quite the same, so it seemed to some observers, after a major incident at Manzanita in September where his challenger missed a slide job and took him out. The crash destroying the car and giving him a major headache. From there frustration sat in as his 9th and last win was September 16th. There is no word on Damion’s plan’s, but his competitiveness should land a top ride, even if he has to form his own team again!
As for the little red sucker, welcome Mike Spencer to the podium, as he will be their new driver next season. The quiet, unassuming young man has come a long ways under the tutelage of car owner Hal Engstron and his father and former driver, Mike Senior. He was 4th in points in 2006 and had three big wins to open that door for him. This young driver has a great look on and off the track, and although he seems a little shy, he will grow on you as he puts the red car through its paces. He could win a championship with Bruce and his long time crew that include Gary Tanaka and Eric Kaufman, among others, who have worked hard for years together. Mike was a great choice, but now he has to step it up a little more, this isn’t the minor league’s any more, baby, it’s the big time! Hal didn’t announce his plans, but I heard a rumor, and I like it!
Perhaps the brightest driver of the year turned out to be one that had struggled for over two years to find his way back to the podium. His devotion to his former car owner and sponsors kept him anchored to a car that did not work for him, no matter how hard he tried. Nevertheless, Tony The Cowboy Jones never let it get him down! He was the same to me off the track as always and that old never say die caption fit him. He got married and had a new son named Grady and life was grand even without the podium dance he was very familiar with. When 2006 started, I was surprised to see him in the Mark Alexander #4 Silver Bullet car, but not really surprised. They have been around a while getting wins in recent years with, Mike Kirby and Cory Krusman, so they had a good ride. Looking back now, putting him in it must now seem like they have all died and gone to heaven.
All Tony Jones did this year was win eight times, all at Perris, pulling into 16th on the all time west coast winners list with 24. He was in the top 5 twenty times this year as he drove the Alexander DRC chassied car hard and furious all the time. It was a slow start as the team learned what he wanted in set-up, but it all came together pretty quickly when they did. Perhaps the most dominating night, among several wild runs to pick from, was the second night of the Ovals at Perris. He was 2nd quick, but had a problem in his heat and came back to win the Semi before starting 9th in the main. He roared thru the pack, literally storming around every corner, from the back and overtook a young and highly touted Brady Bacon in a fast Kunz car on the last lap. His hat is in the ring for 2007 as a major challenger for the championship. And, his smile is genuine!
One of the most improved drivers of the season was Showtime Danny Sheridan The Kittle machine was hot for him this year as he earned his first ever 410 win and a lot of podium finishes on the year. He passed Levi Jones on the last night for third, so has learned how to go forward, and is not afraid to make the move. Danny will only improve and is already to go in 2007. Look for that smile a little higher in the points next year.
What can you say about Rip Williams that isn’t already in the hall of fame? Rip didn’t have his best year, but he still has what it takes, and look for the black number 3 to be getting the all time leading West Coast win in the spring. Rip is hard nosed, but isn’t at the track to play, he is there to win, and will continue as long as he decides to keep racing. Jack Jory and the crew are still dedicated to him and his quest, so look for his success in the coming year to be good.
I realize Bullet Blake Miller lost a little focus at the end of the year, what with true love a very distracting thing, but if he pulls himself together and focuses on what his talent can do, watch out. Just a year out being the VRA champion 360 driver, the 410 was no problem for him in the Black Magic car of owner/driver Nadine Keller. With eleven top 5 finishes, and one runner-up at Santa Maria, he has the tools to win and will grow to be one of the best. Blake can do it very well, now we wait to see where his next ride comes from as The Keller Kar will apparently start the year out with Nadine and Rickie Gaunt driving the two cars. You never know what Santa will bring, so stay tuned.
Josh Ford had a terrible year in 2006, to his standards, but maybe Santa will clear his head and his determination will reap great benefits in 2007. The quiet and talented driver didn’t seem to find the right set-up groove very often, but will be even more focused to not look back and just let it all hang out next year. He can be a player if he wants.
David Cardey has showed lots of talent, but enjoyed little success this year. He will often run like a tiger early, then retire with some malfunction before scoring well. His 5th place finish at Perris in May was his best finish, but not his best effort as he ran strong on many occasions when “lady fate” nixed his good work. With some “lady luck” this year, things could easily reverse, he has the talent, and lots of support, so let’s see what happens with him. He is hoping for one good sponsor to step in, and then shazam!
Super Rickie Gaunt is often as good as he wants to be, but with Tony Smiley’s two car team closing up shop, he will be moving to the Kellar Kar and considering his great finishes with the master Gardner mechanics in the past, don’t look past what he and that team might accomplish. The last SCRA 410 champion can drive and he can have fun, but which will he choose this year?
Alan Ballard is the type of driver that when things are right, he is tough. Remember the Ventura feature two years ago when he led and was passed by the Demon, but passed him back for the win, not once but twice? The two time Wagsdash winner is young, likeable and ready for the next break to make it big. Not sure what his plans are for now, but if he gets the equipment, hang on, he’ll give it a ride. I heard a rumor.
There are many other drivers with potential out there that will make an impact on the 2007 CRA season. Evan Suggs eye problems sidelined him once before, and when he had another tumble this year, and didn’t recover his normal vision, he shut it down. Only time will tell if he comes back, but good luck to the recovery!
Garret Hansen jumped into Mike Kirby’s “old” equipment near the end of the year and had great results. His midget experience didn’t seem to be a problem as he had a fifth at Ventura with the promise of more to come. Jason York has one win with the club and a lot of talent, but lives so far away and runs a wing two thirds of the time, its hard on him. He has local help in Steve Ostling’s old set-up man in Steve Willoughby, so could really surprise if he decided to stay around down here. Its only money! Rodney Argo continues to guide his dad’s Ford powered # 19, and although they missed much of the season, the car can still perform, when he is focused.
Newcomer Matt Mitchell showed some tough teeth this season in Rip’s back-up car and, depending on if there is that ride still going, could surprise many as he improved and never really hit a high or low point, staying pretty consistent all year. He gave up the ride to Rip a few times, but that was part of the deal. Look for more out of him. Johnny Rodriguez season ended in a nasty crash at the PAS when he suffered vision problems of his own after that. He drove the Mark Priestley owned fast Bullett to a second and a third for his best efforts before the season ended. Look for him to come back and continue to improve.
R.J. Johnson continues to get in his laps and the team has at least one new motor for 2007 in Bobby Martin’s car. The talented youngster looks ready to be very competitive next season, even though the trips are long every weekend, but he is young. He will have a great year. J Hicks can’t run every race due to money, work schedules and money, but will pull off some surprises in the months to come. I haven’t heard what Charles Davis Jr’s plans are, but if he runs a 410, look out for his wake. Mike Kirby looks more and more retired as time goes by, we will miss him.
Matt Stewart, Chad Boespflug, Bobby Cody, Jonny Bates, Brian Venard, Seth Wilson, Danny Ebberts, Robert Ellis, Tony Everhart, Ryan Devitt, Eric Severson, Rick Becker, Josh Williams, Matt Forstie, Joe Gunderson, Cal Smith, Ronnie Case, JJ Ercse, Jordan Hermansader, Brandon Springstead, Rick Ziehl and a host of other newcomers, visitors and veterans will come to test themselves against the best of the West. I hope Jeremy Sherman can find a ride with CRA, he would be fun to watch challenge these guys. Anyone wanting to publish their plans here, send me an e-mail.
Perhaps one of the most exciting things to ever happen to the Ventura one armed paper hanger, promoter, track preparer, car striper, digital designer, and announcer Jim Naylor is the recent announcement out of the Knoxville Hall of Fame that he is being honored as the Promoter of the Year for 2006! Congrats to Jim, I know all his employee’s, racers, friends and family are thrilled for him, as I am. And to think, he hosts the Wagsdash every year! Wipe that smile off, it really isn’t just a small bowl on the coast, it is one of the finest facilities anywhere.
Jon Stanbrough is the voted driver of the year for 2006. His success all over Indiana is more than noteworthy and it was a good call for the man who is up for anything. Remember his Wagsdash sexy driver appearance? This nice man had a whirlwind of a year and it’s all because of talent, his! Note Cory was 3rd, Damion 4th, Tony Jones 7th, Mike Spencer 11th for a good west coast showing in the voting. The list is: 1., Jon Stanbrough, Jamestown, IN, 2., Josh Wise , Riverside, CA, 3., Cory Kruseman, Ventura, CA, 4., Damion Gardner, Concord, CA, 5., Dave Darland, Walton, IN, 6., Levi Jones, Olney, IL, 7., Tony Jones, Garden Grove, CA, 8., Jerry Coons, Jr., Tucson, AZ, 9., Bryan Clauson, Noblesville, IN, 10., Shane Cottle, Kokomo, IN, 11., Mike Spencer, Temecula, CA, 12., Daron Clayton, Sikeston, MO, 13., Darren Hagen, Riverside, CA, 14., Mat Neely, Robinson, IL, 15., Tony Hunt, Fair Oaks, CA, 16., Brandon “Bud” Kaeding, Campbell, CA, 17., Jeremy Sherman, Phoenix, AZ, , 18., Kevin Briscoe, Mitchell, IN, tie, Danny Sheridan, Santa Maria, CA, 20., Rip Williams, Yorba Linda, CA, 21., Dickie Gaines, Mitchell, IN, 22., Bobby Santos III, Marlboro, MA, 23., A.J. Anderson, Stateline, IN, tie, Jesse Hockett, Warsaw, MO, tie, Mike Murgoitio, Boise, ID.
As for the Wagtimes outlook for 2007, were on for the 17th annual, which will be a little earlier, because our date was stolen, but we’ll make it work. We had a successful 16th annual, due to a lot of help from many, many people, and the Wagtimer’s who worked their magic to make it happen, working all year with me to get it done: Steve, Kim and Korie Lafond, Doug Allen, Jim Fargo and Marilyn Griffith, Sonia Bandy, Krista Bandy and David, Gerry Johnson, Tracey Johnson, Keri Alveran, Mike and Evelyn Clark, Mark, Ben and Bethany Thrasher, Braden Wasson, Chris Holt, Pat & Lee Ann Normayle, Tory Clarrett, Jordan Parish, Joe and Ellen Ellis, Julie Shiosaki, Teri Bliss, Fran & Jim Herdrich and a few more who I am sure I forgot. Add Jim Naylor and his staff to the helper list as well as the USAC/CRA officials who made the race run well. Also all the donators for the cash. Bruce Douglas, who won $1000 in the Wagsdash, said keep half for the next Wagsdash and sent the other half to Kevin Kierce’s race for his dad. My thanks to you all, we can’t do it without you. Another thanks to John and Maria Gardner for their Chili fixin’s at the dash, it won’t be soon forgotten.
As for the “Copper Dirt World”, it sounds a bit overpriced on a track that couldn’t handle all the 410’s at the Western, hopefully that will be remedied. If it wasn‘t USAC sanctioned, what would it have cost? My next race is at the Chili Bowl and my next B Ball game is anytime. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I can say that can’t I, and not offend anyone, and we’ll see ya along the way!
One of the highlights of the year for me was listening to Tony Jones go on and on about anything, but the Wags people version was special. It’s maybe 40 degrees outside, man if I could even out the 110’s with the 40’s, we could have steady 60’s all year, right? Ho Ho Ho, Merry Xmas.
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