Mike and Evelyn Clark, Steve, Kim and Korie Lafond, Gerry and Tracey Johnson, and Joe and Ellen Ellis joined me and Wags in the Great Chili Cooking Experience on Friday, October 16. Also with us was Mark, Ben and Bethany Thrasher, and Braden Wasson, who had just left and missed the photo op.
It takes real men to wear red and white polka dot aprons!
Wags spent most of the day at “command central” doling out tasks to all of us! Well, he was also printing out the sign up sheets for the silent auction and then arranged the tables for the chili feed and auction items.
It was so nice of Larry Reynolds to go through the hassle of displaying the #7 and #6 cars (driven by Greg Taylor and Jesse Denome, respectively), at our Friday night gathering at Cronies. It was a quite a job getting that rig parked in the tight parking lot, but they made it!
The #7 rolls out of the massive trailer. Greg drove Harlan Willis’ #45 car this weekend.
The Denome #6 is lowered into position to roll out of the trailer.
Cronie’s Sports Grill was a big sponsor when Cory drove for Harlan. They have also sponsored our chili meat for the past several years – a special thanks to Chuck Diego! And, a big thanks to Dave, the manager of Cronies, for setting aside tables on a busy Friday night for our pre-Wagsdash festivities!
Joe and Ellen Ellis came over from Phoenix, and Joy Paulson, who came down from Woodland Hills for the Wagsdash, share a table with Norm, who , along with wife Pat, helped the Wags’ cook up this whole Wagsdash thing!
Steve and Kim Lafond haven’t changed a bit from the first Wagsdash 14 years ago until today, but Korie sure has! Gone is the little girl of days gone by, and in her place is a young lady, soon to be a teenager! Yikes, how can that be?
Did you get your “Big Dawg” shirt on Saturday? If not, you better hurry before we run out! (We could be so lucky!)
Sonia and Krista made it from Highland. Sonia didn’t let a little thing like her first chemo session on Wednesday stand in the way of being part of the Wagsdash!
Lori and Greg Bragg came early from Visalia and joined in the fun.
Ventura photographer, David Wolfe and Greg Taylor were in the house.
Evelyn Clark and hubby, Mike, have been part of the Wagtimes group for many years. Evelyn worked very hard on Saturday dishing up chili, then later in the booth selling t-shirts and all sorts of other stuff. Thanks, Evelyn!
And, Mike Clark is my hero, as he stays behind the scenes in the kitchen every “Dash day.” He keeps the chili hot and carts over a new pot when one runs dry. He also cleans the kitchen and chili pots! Yes siree – he’s my hero!
Larry Reynolds (talking on the phone on the right), owner of Buena Body Shop, is the wonderful man who brought out the sprint cars to display. He brought several friends with him, including Dennis and Shirley Dawe.
Sitting across from Dennis, Shirley and Larry, were Mark Hatch, Larry Edwards and Shelley Edward. It was great meeting all of you, and we really appreciate your help!
Tracey (Sonia’s daughter and Krista’s mom) and Gerry came early on Friday to help cook the chili!
Chris Tramel and his girlfriend, Amanda, enjoyed Friday night at Cronies.
Tracey took this shot of a wide-eyed Wags and grinning Mrs. Wags.
Health problems have kept Joy from going to many races over the past few years, but a little heart work has made her feel a lot better – good enough she’s going to the Chili Bowl in January with Ellen!
Friday night at Cronies is always followed by ice-cream at Stone Cold Creamery, across the street!
Is Gerry trying to get Krista to give him a bite of her ice-cream? Bet it didn’t work!
Every year since we’ve had the Wagsdash at Ventura, Brad has taken care of many details for us, including setting up the sound system so that Mr. Chris Holt can emcee the Sexy Driver and Pit Stop Contests. Thank, Brad!
Bacillo and Frank shuttled tables and chairs and all sorts of stuff on Friday and Saturday to help set up the Wags booth and auction area, among many other things.
Lee Ann Normoyle and her husband, Pat, joined the “Wags Workers” this year. Great to have them aboard!
You can only imagine what it was like trying to get all the auction items and signup sheets “under cover” when the rain hit later in the evening! Oh man, hope that never happens again!
Bethany Thrasher and Braden Wasson helped fill the catsup and mustard squeeze bottles before the Chili Feed! This was Braden’s first Wagsdash experience. He contributed several drawings to the auction, and helped cook chili and set up and did whatever needed to be done throughout the afternoon!
Wags signs a birthday card while Julie finishes setting up the “bake sale” booth. Not only did she bake lots of goodies (along with several others) she also made a fabulous collage of racers and fans for the auction that went for about $275! Julie and Terri Bliss – thank you, both for everything!
Joe Ellis enjoys a moment of peace and quiet before people started arriving for chili.
Mike Clark had one of Damion’s t-shirts matted, along with Damion, Ron Chaffin and Bruce Bromme, Jr.’s signatures, for the auction.
He also had one made with Cory’s t-shirt. Cool!
“Brother Brett,” was proud to receive a “Big Dawg” hat from Wags.
Wilda Kindoll, just out of the hospital, wasn’t about to miss a trip to Ventura! Great to see her feeling better.
Part of “the gang” checks in at the back pit gate. Ready for work!
Darrell Harper seems to be really tickled to be at Ventura Raceway!
If there’s a race, count on Turn 4 Rob to be there! Maybe he was just there for the chili. Not!
Ron Chaffin and Frankie check out the auction items before the chili feed.
Ahhh, newlyweds! Debbie and Greg Wolfe’s first sprint car experience was cut short because of the rain. However, they enjoyed what they saw, and I bet they’ll be back! Who knows, maybe Debbie will give up her job as City Clerk (she and I work together at the City of Rancho Santa Margarita) and challenge Nadine Keller.
Carol Wolfe sees the camera and breaks away from her conversation with Glenn and Carol Crossno and her hubby, Jim.
Tracey and Evelyn kept the food flowing throughout the afternoon.
Jim, Sherri and Jimmy chow down on some chili and dogs.
Dave & Sara take time to have a little chili and enjoy the show in the midway as the cloudy day provided lots of thrills for an appreciative audience.
Lonnie Clabaugh, part of the David Cardey crew, looks like he is having fun.
David Cardey Sr has a smile as Mrs Wags captures the crowd.
Terry Herman, another # 59 crewmember relaxing.
Bobby Cody started his day off with some chili. He went on to run 3rd in the Big Dawg Dash and ended up with a problem in the main.
Sammy Bahr and his son Eric at peace earlier in the day.
Tom Stansberry looks like he would rather not go on stage as the Sexy Driver contest started. What?
Dennis Rodriguez, a newly married driver, tries to get the crowd to make a little noise for him.
Nadine Keller is smiling as she collects the dollars from fans to win the Sexy Driver contest!
David Sinsley was having a good time. Not only did he put up with the sexy driver thing, he was one of only two who entered the pit stop contest.
Greg Taylor had some fun here before he had some fun in Harlan Willis # 45 later.
Greg Bragg has been doing very well this season in the Prattmobile. Running fifth in points, he was being sexy for a few moments before he had to go racing.
I don’t know the slick move David Cardey is putting on here, but it looks like it might be a spinner is coming up.
Alan Ballard is not sure this is as fun as racing, but he gives his best anyway.
Chris Holt did a marvelous job MC’in the festivities. It looks like Chris Tramel is bartering his girlfriend, Amanda, to get the popular vote. Amanda is a good sport, but when he handcuffed her to Chris, every man there was wishing he were him.
Danny Ebberts isn’t sure what he got himself into, but is game.
Dan Hillberg had a great night, after he endured this mess. Later he made the main event and then turned the car over to Mike Kirby when the # 38 car broke. His team got the best appearing crew award and some cash to go with it.
Bobby Cody gets an escort in Korie Lafond as he was ready to party!
Brother Brett does his thing as he wanted to get in on the fun during the SD contest. He gets more gregarious each time we see him. He had good words for “Clownie” later when he stole the mike form Chris.
From left, Danny Sheridan, Nadine Keller, David Cardey and Dennis Rodreguez are in line to a fate worse than, well, they thought is was bad. Nadine won and Danny almost did.
Mark Thrasher and Ellen Ellis are chowing down during a break. It takes so many to make this Mrs Wags Chili Feed work every year, and they are a big part of it.
Gavin Lowitz and friend Diane are having a lot of fun at the feed. Gavin won the Xmas decoration at the auction, but I don’t think he knows it yet!
The midway was bursting with energy all afternoon as fans and racers were visiting and having a fine afternoon. Well, most of them were.
Danny Sheridan, Dennis Rodreguez and Kevin Keirce all having their own thoughts an=bout this sexy deal.
The counting of the money tells who won, Nadine! Steve and Korie Lafond with Julie Shiosaki and Terri Bliss count away.
Jack Gardner Sr and Gary W Howard visit while the fun goes on.
Danny Sheridan was runner-up and Almost Sexy with the 2nd most money collected. I wonder how much Mrs Wags gave.
Nadine Keller takes the money and the crown home with her. She was a gracious winner. Beating all those guys in her kind of contest was easy, right Jack!
Ronda Hillberg gives hubby Dan a big kiss for his efforts in the contest.
Dan Hillberg is the Honorary Sexiest driver.
Nadine and her court Danny, David and Dan, all put on a great show and earned the wagsdash purse nearly $900.
Chris Holt interviews the winner “Queen Nadine”.
Bobby Cody does what he does best on the afternoon of a race, he sleeps. Here a picnic bench is good enough for some shut eye.
Chris interviews Wags as Mrs Wags smiles big for the crowd.
Here Wags tries to tell the crowd something important, but it wasn’t that big a deal.
The Workers in blue presented Wags with an award that was both a surprise and wonderful at the same time. I love surprises and this one was from “my gang” who worked for two days to get the job done at the best and wettest Wagsdash of all time! Thank you, I was not speechless, but very moved by the thoughtfulness my gang showed me. It was my highlight of the weekend.
And the winners are, setting a new record, the Gardner boys and Brad Noffsinger in the saddle. Ronnie and Chet practiced for a week and look what happened. I wonder if they will challenge the old guys again next year?
The tech inspector, Ben Thrasher, checks to see if the wheel is on tight while =is dad Mark and the “Commish” Steve Lafond look on
Chris interviews USAC President Rollie Helmling, who flew out from Indianajust for the Wagsdash.
The # 69 car was in the pit stop contest and they tried hard, but…….
David Sinsley sits in the cockpit while his crew works the contest.
Eddie Wirth showed up to have some fun too. Here he is telling the crowd how he misses the races.
Rollie Helmling and track promoter Jim Naylor get together for a few grins.
Chet Gardner tells Chris his secret in winning the pit stop contest. Practice!
From left Brad Noffsinger, Chetg Gardner and grandpa Jack Sr are on the podium! Of course Jack is taking all the credit.
Brad is with Chet and Ronnie Gardner and VRA driver, Blake Miller, after their win.
Cody Nigh, son of crew chief Mike, is usually better at posing for mrs Wags, but he’s having fun here today.
Julie Shiosaki holds the hat with the names for the Lil’ Dawg Dash as Evelyn Pratt pulls them out for the 4 to run the new race.
Jimmy Crawford is looking over Wags shoulder to see if he is in the dash.
Mike English and Rip Williams share some time together. Mike will be driving Rip’s backup car at the Oval Nationals.
Steve Ostling, with one of his latest wild T’s on, and Chris Morgan, USAC official listen at the drivers meeting.
The drivers meeting answers a lot of questions each week. Her they are talking about how the chili was.
How did Super Rickie’s picture get in Grady Jones carryall?
A view of cloudy skies over the infield as cars line up to push off.
After the rains, our busted EZ-UP sags due to the water captured in it.
Kim Lafond was the booth watcher when everyone else was off watching the races. After the rains, everyone was chilled, including my grandson Christopher who was back behind her.
Wags is in conversation with the Big Dawg Dash winner while daughter, Tracie, gets ready to bolt for the motel and miss the rest of the evening.
Sonia Bandy and Mike Clark are not overjoyed with the rains ruining the auction paperwork and making things very hard on the workers.
Videographer Mike Truex gets a rest in during the rain delay.
Is this the Pirates of the Carribean ride? NO, it’s rock start Steve Lafond who was sporting a new tattoo on his arm this trip.
From left, Derick Alveran, Tracey Johnson and Krista Bandy, all Wags workers, don’t like the rain. It was the fiorst one in Wagsdash history, but our stuff was already done.
Jim Naylor interviews the Main Event winner, Rip Williams, who was surprised there was a $2500 bonus from the Wags. Hmmmmmmm.
Brad and Rip in the winners circle.
Jack Jory, Brad, Rip and Wags pose behind the awesome check made by Jim Naylor’s shop.
Wagsdash $2500 Champion, Ronnie Case, after his big win.
Ronnie Case gets his award for winning the $2500 bonus.
Cody Williams gets to drive his dad’s winning car back to the pits. Look at that smile!
Ronnie and Patti are both happy for the rookie’s success t his season and now this, his biggest payday ever.
Rick Ziehl and girlfriend Carla smile after the races.
Rick receives the long tow award, sponsored by George Rimmer from England, from the Wags. It arrived on Thursday form overseas.
David Cardey Jr and wife Danita receive the Lil’ Dawg Dash trphy form Wags. Trophy Dave outdid himself again.
Tony and Tammy Jones, and Grady who is hiding to the left, receive the Big Dawg Dash trophy from Wags later. We should have done this on the front stretch, but the rains, the rains.
Alan Ballard gets the Lafond Jar of change, worth $783.12, From Steve and Wags.
You are looking at Lake Ventura which actually is the main street right behind the track. That is what greeted us when we woke up on Sunday morning and couldn’t get out of the doghouse to go shower. We had to just drive out of there and go to breakfast with a motorhome “shower”.
Steve & Kim Lafond at breakfast.
Krista, Kari, Sonia and Tracie.
Tracey Johnson and Derick ready for eggs.
Gerry Johnson, husband of Tracey, ready to go home and rest.
From left, Mark Thrasher, daughter Bethany, her beau Braden and son Ben.
Grandsons Christopher and Tory Made breakfast after missing the main like 80% of the fans there.
Steve and daughter Korie.
Wags and Mrs Wags and her daughter Tracie, pose for this ending.
What most don’t see is the loading prior to the trip and the unloading of what’s left after the race. This is the hardest part of the weekend as we are pooped and noone lives even close by.
There, that’s better!
Oooops, the mess is still there, just relocated. I had that cleaned up by Wednesday, some anyway. THE END!
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