Updated 12/29/19
Steve Barth at PIR 1999
Donnie Beechler at PIR 1997
Donnie Beechler at Chili Bowl 1998
Donnie Beachler
Denise Bennett
Denise Bennett
Denise Bennet 1997
Billy Boat and Steve Lewis
Billy Boat
Billy Boat
Billy Boat
Billy Boat
Billy Boat
Andy Bondio
Andy Bondio
Andy Bondio with Janet McSpadden
Andy Bondio
Bob Broseman at Manzy 1992
Bob Broseman at Chili Bowl
Jack Calabrase at PIR 1990
Gary Cameron
Shane Carson
Shane Cottle
Tice Carlson
James Chesson
James Chesson
The Chesson Brothers
Bob Cicconi
Bob Cicconi at PIR 1992
Bob Cicconi at PIR 1991
Bob Cicconi 1989
Bob Cicconi at PIR 1994
Bob Cicconi at Chili Bowl 1997
Bob Cicconi at PIR 1990
Lou Cicconi at Chili Bowl 1999
Lou Cicconi at Chili Bowl 1996
Lou Cicconi at Chili Bowl 1999
Lou Cicconi Jr
Jerry Coons Jr and Teri
Jerry Coons Jr
Jerry Coons Jr
Jerry Coons Jr
Dave Darland
Dave Darland
Bob Davidson at PIR 1990
Ronnie Day
Carrie Davis at Manzy 1995
Pat Diantonio
Robert Dolacki at Chili Bowl 1998
Kevin Doty
Kevin Doty
Kevin Doty Jr
Kevin Doty
Kevin Doty Jr
Kevin Doty
Kevin Doty
Kevin Doty
Jay Drake at Chili Bowl 1999
Jay Drake
Jay Drake
Bob & Bobby East with Shane Scully
Bob East
Bob East
Bobby East
Bobby East
Bobby East
Tony Elliott at Chili Bowl 1998
Tony Elliott at Chili Bowl 2001
Gary Faucett
Terry Ferrar
Terry Ferrar
Mike Figliomeni and Valarie Jarvis at Belleville 2000
Mark Figliomeni
Mark Figliomeni, his car and some radio girls
Robby Flock
Robby Flock at Belleville 1996
Robby Flock at Pir 1995
Robby Flock at El Centro 1997
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Robby Flock and car owner Mike Sala
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Robby Flock
Stan Fox
Stan Fox
Stan Fox
Stan Fox
Stan Fox at PIR 1989
Stan Fox at PIR 1991
Stan Fox
Brian Gerster at PIR 1997
Brian Gerster
Brian Gerster
Tony George at Chili Bowl 2001
Jeff Gordon at PIR 1991
Jeff Gordon
Jeff Gordon
Tim Green
Roberto Guerrero
Chuck Gurney at PIR 1992
Darren Hagen
Brett Hearn at Chli Bowl 1996
Rick Hendrix
Rick and Youmi Hendrix
Johnny Heydenreich and Dick and Phyllis France at Chili Bowl
Johnny Heydenreich at Chili Bowl 2000
Johnny Heydenreich
Jack Hewitt at Chili Bowl 1999
Andy Hillenberg
Ted Hines at PIR 1997
Tracy Hines at Chili Bowl 1997
Kenny Irwin at Chili Bowl 1998
Kenny Irwin at PIR 1996
Kenny Irwin at PIR 1994
Kenny Irwin Jr
Kenny Irwin Jr
Kenny Irwin Jr
Kenny Irwin Jr
Ricky Johnson at PIR 1990
Ricky Johnson
R J Johnson
R J Johnson
Levi Jones
Levi Jones
Kasey Kahne
Chad Kenemah
Aaron Kirk
Steve Kinser at Chili Bowl 2005
Aaron Kirk
Mel Kenyon
Mel Kenyon with Geoff and Lindsey Dale
Mel Kenyon with Don templeton
Mel Kenyon
Mel Kenyon with Don Templeton
Clay Klepper
Cory Kruseman at Chili Bowl 1998
Danny Lasoski
Danny Lasoski
Danny Lasoski
Chuck Leary at PIR 1998
Jason and Allison Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler at Chili Bowl 1998
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler and family
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler and his dad
Jason Leffler with Wally Pankratz and Jeff Stich
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Jason Leffler
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
Critter Malone at Chili Bowl 1997
Critter Malone at Chili Bowl 2000
Critter Malone at Chili Bowl 1998
Critter Malone
Shannon McQueen
Andy Michner at PIR 1996
Andy Michner at PIR 1997
Andy Michner
Andy Michner
Andy Michner
Andy Michner at PIR 1995
Ken Nichols at PIR 1995
Ken Nichols at PIR 1996
Brad Noffsinger
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson and some Hooter girls
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson
Kevin Olson
Wally Pankratz at Belleville 1995
Wally Pankratz at PIR 1994
Johnny Parsons
Johnny Parsons
Mark Passerelli at Manzy 1995
Mark Passerrelli
Mark Passerrelli
Scott Passmore and George Rimmer an English fan
Andy P 1990
Mike Penney
Greg Ray
Randy Roberts at Belleville 1995
Randy Roberts at PIR 1987
Randy Robert at Chili Bowl 1992
Randy Roberts at PIR 1990
Randy Roberts 1997
Keith and Ed Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch with George Rimmer
Keith Rausch with Christy
Keith and Christi Rausch
Keith and Christi Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch
Keith Rausch
Stevie Reeves
Randy Roberts
Kenny Schrader at Chili Bowl 2004
Shane Scully at Chili Bowl 1999
Shane Scully, Page Jones and Lou Senter at Chili Bowl 1999
Shane Scully 1997
Shane Scully
Bryan Stanfill at Chili Bowl 2002
John Starks at PIR 1995
John Starks at PIR 1999
Tony Stewart with Keith Kunz
Tony Stewart anad Linda Vaughn
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Jerry Stone at Canyon 1993
Danny Stratton at Chili Bowl 2018
Sammy Swindell at Chili Bowl 2000
Sammy Swindell
Sammy Swindell and son Kevin
Kevin Swindell back when
Brian Till
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
Sleepy Tripp
J D Vance
Billy Vukovich III
Billy Vukovich III
Billy Vukovich III
Billy Wilburn at Chili Bowl 1997
Jim Williams
Josh Wise
Josh Wise and Stac
Josh Wise
Josh Wise
Gary Wright
Gary Wright at Chili Bowl 2002
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