
Updated 5/21/19


Loud Pedal Productions

Mike at the Wagtimes golf tournement

Mike relaxing

Mike at work

Mike with that Santa Maria CD I am waiting for?

Mike on the track



Mike up high

Mike in the lift



Mike conducting at the Wagsdash

Mike a bit wore out!

Mike excited

Mike still excited

Mike at Ventura doing his thing

Tim with Mike Arthur

Tim relaxing at the track

Mike with son Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike coming in the pits at Ventura

Mike and a young Tim

Mike and Tim

Mike with Wags

Mike with Wags on the lift over turn one in Perris

Mike interviewing Wags at the Wagsdash

Mike and Wags again - he must have asked who was going to win that night

Mike with a shadow

Mike and Jesse Hockett

Mike with Troy Rutherford


Mike and Steve Lafond

Mike and Steve Lafond

Mike and Rip Williams

Mike and Carol Wolfe

Mike with Mike Sieffert

Mike with Dennis Rodreguez

Mike with Jack Slash AKA Sean Buckley

Mike visiting in the pits

Mike with Russell Bliss

Mike and Jack Gardner in 1999

Mike getting up close and personal with an official

Mike with Tim and Wags

Mike at golf

Mike and Tim with an award

Mike and Tim with Jeff Kristiensen

Mike and Tim with Jeff Kristiensen

Mike filming the pit meeting at Perris with R J Johnson and Tpony Everhart

Mallory Gardner, Tim Truex and Haley Shanley the lady with Speed Shift TV program

Loud Pedal in action with Dean Mills and Mickey Dale

Mike interviews The Wags

Mike has been a video guy forever, His son Tim joined him years ago and their Loud Pedal work is exceptional. He is a good guy and been a good friend to me. I miss being around him because he was always part of my rqacing world.
