Digital Images from Doug Allen!

Mike Spencer and Damion Gardner

Nic Faas

Podium with Nic Faas, winner Mike Spencer and Danny Sheridan

Nic Faas

Jesse Denome

Danny Sheridan

Kenny Perkins

Wiley Miller

Greg Bragg

Matt Shedarowich

Bobby Bender

Jerry Welton

Rodney Argo

A tired old guy

Nic Faas and a flashing Jesse Denome

Matt Mitchell and Bobby Bender

Ronnie Gardner and Kenny Perkins

Mike Spencer and Damion Gardner

Matt Mitchell, Austin Williams, Nic Faas and Ronnie Gardner

Nic Faas and Austin Williams

Four Wide

Rodney Argo and Austin Williams

Austin Williams and Mike Collins

Mike Spencer

Ron Chaffin and his team

Mike Spencer

All photos © 2012 Mr. Wags Photos