Cory Krusman starten in the second row and went into the lead afer a lap. Mike SPencer passed him on the top, but a yellow flew and Kruseman didn't give him that lane again. End of story. Danny Sheridan blew into third late as Rip fell from 4th to 8th on the last lap with what appeared to be a flat tire? The high groove was probably the fastest, but no one really mounted a charge on the leader, after that one yellow, as the race went on.
LUCAS OIL USAC/CRA SPRINT CAR SERIES RACE RESULTS: June 9, 2007 – Perris, California – Perris Auto Speedway
QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Rickie Gaunt, 94, Gardner-16.778, 2. Blake Miller, 93, Gardner-16.870, 3. Tony Jones, 4, Alexander-16.980, 4. Mike Spencer, 50, Chaffin-17.008, 5. R.J. Johnson, 15, Martin-17.019, 6. Cory Kruseman, 21k, Kruseman-17.029, 7. Scotty Weir, 38, Crossno-17.056, 8. Josh Ford, 73, Ford-17.103, 9. Brian Venard, 12, Blair-17.143, 10. Danny Sheridan, 18, Kittle-17.250, 11. Seth Wilson, 17, Wilson-17.265, 12. J Hicks, 66, Miller-17.394, 13. Rip Williams, 3, Jory-17.410, 14. Jimmy Crawford, 75, Stansberry-17.496, 15. Jason York, 92, Sertich-17.498, 16. Brian Camarillo, 22c, CamLand-17.517, 17. Rodney Argo, 19, Argo-17.546, 18. David Cardey, 83, Crossno-17.586, 19. Alex Schutte 21x Kruseman-17.698, 20. Michael Trimble, 21, Kruseman-17.845, 21. Ryan Devitt, 35, Forstie-17.932, 22. Todd Hunsaker, 6, Hunsaker-17.934, 23. Robert Ellis, 43, Ellis-18.095, 24. Tony Everhart, 55, Everhart-18.118, 25. Tom Stansberry, 75t, Stansberry-18.195, 26. Nadine Gardner, 94g, Gardner-18.664, 27. Matt Forstie, 72, Forstie-18.891, 28. Mike Kennedy, 14, Cherbak/Kennedy-19.685, 29. Nate Ziegler, N8, Ziegler-NT.
FIRST HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Johnson, 2. Williams, 3. Gaunt, 4. Venard, 5. Stansberry, 6. Devitt, 7. Argo. 3:01.06
SECOND HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Cardey, 2. Miller, 3. Sheridan, 4. Kruseman, 5. Crawford, 6. Hunsaker, 7. Gardner. 2:57.94
THIRD HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Jones, 2. York, 3. Weir, 4. Wilson, 5. Ellis, 6. Schutte, 7. Forstie. 2:58.18
FOURTH HEAT: (10 laps) 1. Hicks, 2. Spencer, 3. Ford, 4. Trimble, 5. Camarillo, 6. Everhart, 7. Kennedy. 3:00.11
SEMI: (12 laps) 1. Argo, 2. Crawford, 3. Stansberry, 4. Ellis, 5. Hunsaker, 6. Devitt, 7. Everhart, 8. Forstie, 9. Kennedy, 10. Schutte, 11. Camarillo, 12. Gardner. NT
FEATURE: (30 laps) 1. Cory Kruseman, 2. Mike Spencer, 3. Danny Sheridan, 4. Blake Miller, 5. Rickie Gaunt, 6. Scotty Weir, 7. Tony Jones, 8. Rip Williams, 9. David Cardey, 10. Josh Ford, 11. R.J. Johnson, 12. Seth Wilson, 13. J Hicks, 14. Jimmy Crawford, 15. Michael Trimble, 16. Tom Stansberry, 17. Todd Hunsaker, 18. Robert Ellis, 19. Ryan Devitt, 20. Rodney Argo, 21. Brian Venard, 22. Jason York-NT
FEATURE LAP LEADERS: Lap 1 Weir, Laps 2-30 Kruseman.
NEW LUCAS OIL USAC/CRA SPRINT CAR POINTS: 1-Jones-1,038; 2-Spencer-906; 3-Sheridan-894; 4-Gaunt-878; 5-Weir-769; 6-Williams-670; 7-Kruseman-657; 8-Johnson-551; 9-Cardey-492; 10-Hagen-460.
NEXT LUCAS OIL USAC/CRA SPRINT CAR RACE: June 16 – Santa Maria (CA) Speedway
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